venerdì, novembre 28, 2008

"I'm not aware of too many things butI know what I know if you know what I mean."

I sing this song for you Venuses upon your shells on the foam of the sea
And I sing this for the freaks and the cripples, and the hunchback, and the burned, and the burning, and the maimed, and the broken, and the torn, and all of those that you talk about at the coffee tables, at the meetings, and the demonstrations, on the streets, in your music, in my songs. I mean the real ones that are burning, I mean the real ones that are burning Well you know I have my songs and I have my poems. I have my book and I have the army, and sometimes I have your applause. I make some money, but you know what my friends, I'm still out there on the corner. I'm with the freaks, I'm with the hunted, I'm with the maimed, yes I'm with the torn, I'm with the down, I'm with the poor. Come on now ... Now I want to take away my dignity, yes take my dignity. My friends, take my dignity, take my form, take my style, take my honour, take my courage, take my time, take my time, .. time .. 'Cause you know I'm with you singing this song. And I wish you would, I wish you would, I wish you would go home with someone else. Wish you'd go home with someone else. I wish you'd go home with someone else. Don't be the person that you came with. Oh, don't be the person that you came with, Oh don't be the person that you came with. Ah, I'm not going to be. I can't stand him. I can't stand who I am. That's why I've got to get down on my knees. Because I can't make it by myself. I'm not by myself anymore because the man I was before he was a tyrant, he was a slave, he was in chains, he was broken and then he sang: Oh, please don't pass me by SIM, ISSO É COHEN. TUDO O QUE ELE CANTA É DE IMPROVISO, ENTÃO, FOI DEGRAVADO, AÍ ACIMA. NÃO TENHO COMO NÃO ME SENSIBILIZAR COM ESSA LETRA. A MELODIA TAMBÉM É SABOROSÍSSIMA, MAS A LETRA ME REMETE A TUDO O QUE EU SEMPRE PENSEI DO COHEN. SOLIDÁRIO. SERIA UM EXCELENTE GREVISTA. OU MESMO SINDICALISTA. DAQUELES QUE AJUDAM A ERGUER O COLEGA CAÍDO AO CHÃO - SEJA POR QUE MOTIVO -, E SEGURAM PLACAS. EU QUERIA O COHEN NA MINHA FAMÍLIA. NÃO COMO UM TIO, EMBORA ELE TENHA IDADE PARA SER MEU TIO-AVÔ, MAS COMO IRMÃO - OU MARIDO. ALGUÉM MAIS PRÓXIMO. ALGUÉM QUE EU AVISTASSE LOGO PELA MANHÃ - E NA HORA DO ALMOÇO. E QUE ME INSERISSE NAS MÚSICAS (O QUE É SONHO DE TODA ADOLESCENTE OU FÃ DE CHICO BUARQUE), E QUE TIVESSE UM APELIDINHO SÓ MEU, COMO O URSO NOUNOUSE DA 'MENINA COM A FLOR' DO VINICIUS, QUE POR ANOS EU QUIS QUE FOSSE MINHA ALCUNHA.

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